Thursday, September 19, 2024

Two youngsters dead following electrocution outside Bockstael Station in Brussels .


         Two youngsters died after climbing onto overhead railway cables between Bockstael Station and Jette Station in the Laken district of the City of Brussels this morning. The fire service has confirmed the fatalities. The motives for the youngsters' actions remain unclear.

The youths climbed onto a pole supporting overhead cables from a concrete wall. One of two was electrocuted and fell to the ground.  A second youth was also killed in the incident. The incident happened around 4AM.  Both victims were 19 years old and part of a group of 4 or 5 youngsters when the incident occurred.

‘The exact circumstances are still unclear,’ Thomas Baeken of railtrack operator Infrabel explains. ‘Our thoughts are with the family and the victims.’

Local police, Belgian railway police, a MUG emergency medical team and an ambulance were quickly at the scene. The incident had no impact on train traffic. There were no delays and only little damage to the overhead cables

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